Data warehouse and data mining Lectures || DWM || COMPUTER ENGINEERING
1-Introduction to Datawarehouse in hindi | Data warehouse and data mining Lectures
2-Meta data in 5 mins hindi
3-what is Olap operation in hindi
4-OLAP vs OLTP in hindi
5-Decision Tree with Solved Example in English | DWM | ML | BDA
6-K mean clustering algorithm with solve example
7-K Medoid with Sovled Example in Hindi | Clustering | Datawarehouse and Data mining series
8-Introduction to data mining and architecture in hindi
9-KDD ( knowledge data discovery ) in data mining in hindi
10-ETL ( Extract Transform Load ) process fully explained in hindi | Datawarehouse
11-DBSCAN ( Density Based Spatial Clustering of Application with Noise ) in Hindi | DWM | Data Mining