theory of computation in hindi

theory of computation in hindi

TOC Lecture 1: Finite State Machine | Important Terms Definition with Example

TOC Lecture 2: DFA Definition, Examples | DFA that accepts strings start with ‘0’

TOC Lecture 3: Solved Examples – String of Length ‘2’, String doesn’t contain “aabb” in it

TOC Lecture 4: DFA Solved Examples (Set -2)

TOC Lecture 6: NFA Definition, Difference b/w DFA and NFA and Solved Example

TOC Lecture 7: NFA Solved Examples (SET – 1)

TOC Lecture 8: String with at least two consecutive 0’s or 1’s

TOC Lecture 10: NFA to DFA Conversion: Example: String over (0,1) that start with ‘0’

TOC Lecture 13: Minimization of DFA with Solved Examples

TOC Lecture 45: Pushdown Automata(PDA) Solved Example for equal number of ‘a’ and ‘b’

TOC Lecture 42: Regular Grammar to Finite Automata Steps with Solved Examples in Hindi

TOC Lecture 41: Greibach Normal Form Definition(GNF) with Solved Examples in Hindi

TOC Lecture 40: Chomsky Normal Form Definition with Solved Examples in Hindi

TOC Lecture 39: Removal of UNIT Production Steps with Solved Example in Hindi

TOC Lecture 38-2: Grammar Simplification: NULL Production Removal Solved Example No. 2(Hindi)

TOC Lecture 36: Definition of Ambiguous Grammar, Solved Examples in hindi

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